StarfishETL Cartographer 2-factor Authentication (2FA)
The latest update for StarfishETL Cartographer has 2-factor authentication (2FA) enabled. Update applied to StarfishETL Cartographer servers March 26, 2020.
This feature is part of the StarfishETL product strategy to continually improve your experience and secure you data.
2-factor authentication is a method of confirming the authenticity of a user. The 2FA feature checks to see if it is the first time that have logged in to StarfishETL Cartographer from a particular browser. First time users will be presented with a dialog letting you know that 2fA has been enabled and to enter a Security code that had been sent to the email on file for the user. Once the user enters the security code, and Starfish is able to validate the user, the user will have access to StarfishETL Cartographer.
After the first login the user will not be prompted to enter in a security code. The security code is saved as a cookie on the users machine. As long as the cookie exists, the user will not be promoted.

| Log in to StarfishETL Cartographer |
| If it is your first time logging from a particular browser, you will be prompted to enter in a security code. This code will be sent to the email address associated to the user. |
| Email will contain the security code (verification code) |
| Enter in the code found in the email to the login dialog. Once the system recognizes the user, the user will log into Starfish Cartographer. |
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