Hubspot Connector

Hubspot Connector

HSLogo color.PNG

Additional Documentation

This Connector is based on the Hubspot ADO.NET Provider by CData. For additional help, including Connection String parameters, please see:

Hubspot Connector

Note: As of September 8, 2020 the Hubspot API does not allow external applications to write into their Quoting module.  See below. A beta API for Quotes that allows writing data is available as of July 2022.


The StarfishETL HubSpot Connector enables you to easily connect to HubSpot for integrations and migrations.  Follow the simply steps below to configure your connector that gives you read/write access to all of the HubSpot modules.  You can create your own data map, work with your Partner or StarfishETL team to build your project, or use our starter templates.  As of the creation of this article we have released our initial starter for integration with Creatio and HubSpot and more are being actively developed.  The starter templates are free with your StarfishETL Professional Edition subscriptions. 

HubSpot enforces API Call Limits which translates to a limit on the number of records you can access.  Here is more information:

Configure HubSpot Connector

  1. While in the StarfishETL Designer, navigate to the Connections tab.
  2. Click the "+" to create a new Connection

  3. New Connection Window:

  4. Specify the Connection Name
  5. Select Connection Type – select HubSpot
  6. Select Authenticate Now
  7. If you are not logged into HubSpot it will ask you to do so.
  8. If you have multiple HubSpot Accounts you will be asked to choose which Account you would like to integrate
  9. You will then be presented with a request for permissions page which you need to press grant access.

  10. We recommend you test the connector. 
    1. Go back to your Connectors tab
    2. Open the HubSpot Connector just created
    3. Press the test button.

11. We highly recommend updating the Additional Connection String Parameters to 'Use Display Names=False; Use Dropdown Labels = False'
This will set your connection to use the API names for both field names and dropdown values. This way, if the field or dropdown labels change, your integration will not be impacted.

You are ready to start working with Hubspot for your migrations and integrations!

OAuth Access Token

OAuth Refresh Token

HubSpot Connection Edit Screen

Working with HubSpot Connector

Date fields

Using APIv3, Date-only fields require you to explicitly declare the date with a midnight UTC timestamp such as 2017-08-24T12:00:00Z. A sample VBScript for conversion is below.

  1. Function ScriptedField
  2.   ScriptedField=FormatDate(Origin("smstartdate_c"), "yyyy-MM-ddT00:00:00Z")
  3. End Function

Single on/off checkbox fields

Single on/off checkbox fields should pass in values of 'true' or 'false'

Value must be on allowed list, using API values

Checkboxes (Select multiple options) fields

Value must be on allowed list, using API values
Use ; to separate values

Smart Lookups 

When referencing field names in Smart Lookups (or Origin queries), use the label for the field and put brackets around it, like [Company ID]


You can use the Associations tables in the v3 API to connect data together. For example:
  1. To associate a Company to a parent Company, write to the CompanyAssociations table. Id should be the ID of the parent Company, AssociationId the ID of the child Company, and the type should be set to COMPANY
  2. To associate a Company to a Deal, write to the DealAssociations table. Id is the Deal ID, AssociationId is the Company ID, and type is COMPANY

Engagements - Meeting

As of Sept 21, 2020 - use v1 API for Engagements
Set Type = MEETING (cap sensitive)
Insert Name/Subject into Title
Insert Body/Notes into Body
Set DateTime 
Set IsActive to true (otherwise won't show in timeline)
AssociatedContacts should be comma separated
Meetings don't have a status

Engagements - Email

As of Sept 21, 2020 - use v1 API for Engagements
Set Type = EMAIL (cap sensitive)
Set both EmailText (plain text) and EmailHTML
ToEmail should be formatted as "{"email":"value"} or {"email":"value","firstName":"value","lastName":"value"}
FromEmail/CC/BCC should be formatted as [{"email":"value"},{"email","value2"}]
AssociatedContacts should be comma separated
Set DateTime 
Set IsActive to true (otherwise won't show in timeline)

Engagements - Tasks

As of Sept 21, 2020 - use v1 API for Engagements
Set Type = TASK (cap sensitive)
Insert Name/Subject into Subject
Insert Body/Notes into Body
Set DateTime 
Set IsActive to true (otherwise won't show in timeline)
AssociatedContacts should be comma separated

Engagements - Calls

As of Sept 21, 2020 - use v1 API for Engagements
Set Type = CALL (cap sensitive)
Insert Body/Notes into Body
Set DateTime 
Set IsActive to true (otherwise won't show in timeline)
Set DurationMilliseconds in milliseconds
Status must be COMPLETED (cap sensitive)
AssociatedContacts should be comma separated

Engagements - Notes

As of Sept 21, 2020 - use v1 API for Engagements
Set Type = NOTE (cap sensitive)
Insert Body/Notes into Body in HTML format
Does not use any of the Title or Subject fields - if you have a subject, add this to body and use <p> tags around your text to add line breaks

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