Pipedrive Connector SQL Select Statements

Pipedrive Connector SQL Select Statements

The API Profile supports SQL-92 Syntax. SELECT Statements includes a comprehensive list of the supported keywords and clauses, as well as syntax reference and examples.

Select Statements

Last Modified -

A SELECT statement can consist of the following basic clauses.

  • INTO
  • FROM
  • JOIN


The following syntax diagram outlines the syntax supported by the SQL engine of the provider:

  TOP <numeric_literal> | DISTINCT ]
    | {
        <expression> [ [ AS ] <column_reference> ]
        | { <table_name> | <correlation_name> } .*
      } [ , ... ]
  INTO csv:// [ filename= ] <file_path> [ ;delimiter=tab ] ]
    FROM <table_reference> [ [ AS ] <identifier> ]
  } [ , ... ]
  [ [ 
      INNER | { { LEFT RIGHT FULL } [ OUTER ] }
    JOIN <table_reference> [ ON <search_condition> ] [ [ AS ] <identifier> ]
  ] [ ... ]
  WHERE <search_condition> ]
  GROUP BY <column_reference> [ , ... ]
  HAVING <search_condition> ]
  UNION ALL ] <select_statement> ]
    <column_reference> [ ASC DESC ] [ NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST ]
    LIMIT <expression>
      { OFFSET | , }
<expression> ::=
  | <column_reference>
  | @ <parameter>
  | ?
  COUNT( * | { [ DISTINCT ] <expression> } )
  | { AVG MAX MIN SUM COUNT } ( <expression> )
  NULLIF ( <expression> , <expression> )
  COALESCE ( <expression> , ... )
  CASE <expression>
      WHEN { <expression> | <search_condition> } THEN { <expression> | NULL } [ ... ]
    ELSE { <expression> | NULL } ]
  | <literal>
  | <sql_function>
<search_condition> ::=
    <expression> { = | > | < | >= | <= | <> | != | LIKE | NOT_LIKE | IN | NOT_IN | IS_NULL | IS_NOT_NULL | AND OR CONTAINS BETWEEN } [ <expression> ]
  } [ { AND OR } ... ]


  1. Return all columns:
    SELECT * FROM NorthwindOData
  2. Rename a column:
    SELECT [Username] AS MY_Username FROM NorthwindOData
  3. Cast a column's data as a different data type:
    SELECT CAST(AnnualRevenue AS VARCHAR) AS Str_AnnualRevenue FROM NorthwindOData
  4. Search data:
    SELECT * FROM NorthwindOData WHERE Email = 'ana.trujilo@northwind.org';
  5. Return the number of items matching the query criteria:
    SELECT COUNT(*) AS MyCount FROM NorthwindOData
  6. Return the number of unique items matching the query criteria:
    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Username) FROM NorthwindOData
  7. Return the unique items matching the query criteria:
    SELECT DISTINCT Username FROM NorthwindOData
  8. Summarize data:
    SELECT Username, MAX(AnnualRevenue) FROM NorthwindOData GROUP BY Username
    See Aggregate Functions for details.
  9. Retrieve data from multiple tables.
    SELECT Customers.ContactName, Orders.OrderDate FROM Customers, Orders WHERE Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID
    See JOIN Queries for details.
  10. Sort a result set in ascending order:
    SELECT Email, Username FROM NorthwindOData  ORDER BY Username ASC
  11. Restrict a result set to the specified number of rows:
    SELECT Email, Username FROM NorthwindOData LIMIT 10
  12. Parameterize a query to pass in inputs at execution time. This enables you to create prepared statements and mitigate SQL injection attacks.
    SELECT * FROM NorthwindOData WHERE Email = @param
See Explicitly Caching Data for information on using the SELECT statement in offline mode.

Pseudo Columns

Some input-only fields are available in SELECT statements. These fields, called pseudo columns, do not appear as regular columns in the results, yet may be specified as part of the WHERE clause. You can use pseudo columns to access additional features from APIs.

SELECT * FROM NorthwindOData WHERE  = '@'


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