Native Database Drivers
Snowflake Connector
Additional Documentation This Connector is based on the Snowflake ADO.NET Provider by CData. For additional help, including Connection String parameters, please see:
Redshift Connector
Additional Documentation This Connector is based on the Redshift ADO.NET Provider by CData. For additional help, including Connection String parameters, please see:
MongoDB Connector
Additional Documentation This Connector is based on the MongoDB ADO.NET Provider by CData. For additional help, including Connection String parameters, please see:
SQLite Connector
DateTime Fields Note that when working with "DateTime" fields in SQLite, the value saved in the field and used for comparison operations must match one of the 10 allowed formats: Starfish's FormatDate ...
PostgreSQL Connector
There is currently no text on this page. Parameter Description Server Database PostgreSQL Connection Edit Screen
Oracle Connector
In the "Server" box you must use the following format to connect to Oracle: By Service Name: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sales-server)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=( By SID: ...
Infor CRM (OLEDB) Connector
To connect to Infor CRM, formerly SalesLogix, with the OLE DB Connector in Starfish, select the OLE DB Connector and click Build Connection... Select the SLXOLEDB Provider and fill in the other necessary information including Password, User ID, ...
Access (ODBC) Connector
Access To access Access, I had to download the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable, Once installed, open the ODBC tab on your Origin or Destination tab and click Data ...
MySQL Connector
MySQL Origin Note that the connection string must match the sample connection string shown in StarfishETL: server=<server_name>;uid={0};pwd={1};database=<db_name>; The string components must be placed in that order. {0} is a variable that refers to ...
Microsoft SQL Server Connector
Overview The "SQL Server" Connector pulls data from Microsoft SQL Server. Using rowversion fields Many integrations run frequently and only want to pick up records modified since the last time the integration ran. This can be accomplished with ...
Lotus Notes/Domino Connector
Lotus Origin Sample Origin Filters Important Note Connect Creatio generates the query sent to Lotus as: (Form = '*Table Selected*' AND *Criteria*). If you select Accounts as the table and your Criteria is: CompanyName='Abbott' | CompanyName='Hogan' ...
IBM DB2 Connector
There is currently no text on this page. Parameter Description Server Database IBM DB2 Connection Edit Screen