Engine Web.Config Settings

Engine Web.Config Settings

This file is generally located at: ..\inetpub\wwwroot\StarfishEngine\

LogPathC:\Inetpub\WWWRoot\StarfishEngine\Path to save log files in when LogToFile is enabled.
LogToFileFalseBoolean, Default False. If enabled, a log file (at the “High” level) with be created within the specified LogPath location.
CommandTimeout3000Length in seconds for SQL commands to execute
ProxyEnabledFalseBoolean, Default False. If enabled, Starfish ETL™ will use the specified Proxy server when validating it’s license.
ProxyURLURL for proxy server
ProxyPort80Port proxy server is running on
ProxyUseDefaultCredentialsFalseBoolean, Default False. If enabled, default network credentials will be used.
ProxyUseSuppliedCredentialsFalseBoolean, Default False. If enabled, the credentials specified below will be used.
ProxyCredentialsUsernameProxy username
ProxyCredentialsPasswordProxy password
ProxyCredentialsDomainProxy user’s domain
RowThreadCount1The default number of threads to use when executing a Starfish ETL™ job.
UseParamQueriesFalseBoolean, Default False. If enabled (default), Starfish ETL™ will build parameterized SQL queries. If disabled, queries will instead be sent as normal text. Useful for performance tweaking.
UseNoLockFalseBoolean, Default False. If enabled, Starfish will append the SQL “WITH(NOLOCK)” command to generated lookup statements. Useful for performance tweaking.
UseDatabaseXrefFalseSetting this value to true will use a SQLite database to store XREF files instead of text documents. This has the added benefit of automatically updating value pairs instead of appending duplicates.
CountStatementCOUNT(*)Default “COUNT(*)”. When doing lookups, Starfish ETL™ will perform a statement such as “SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE WHERE …” to determine if a record exists or not. Changing this value to something like “COUNT(1)” may help performance for some database systems.
HaultOnErrorFalseIf any kind of error occurs, the entire job will be stopped.
LogErrorRowsToCSVTrueCreates the Exception CSV files when any errors occur, logging the entire row's data, the row # and error description.
DefaultLastRunDate2000-01-01When using the LastRunDate system variable, this is the initial date that will be used when the SetLastRunDate function has never been called for the particular job.
DateFormatyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssThe date formatting used for the LastRunDate variable.
SaveLogDatabaseFalseIf True, the entire high logging level output will be saved to the engine.db SQLite database in the "log" table.
SQLColumnPrecedingIf your database driver needs special column name handling, you may supply the value to surround the field names with. Typically [] or "".
SQLColumnTrailingSee above.
PrefetchRowCountTrueSpecifies whether Starfish should figure out how many rows it needs to process before starting a job. If set to false, the progress indicator will not be know. However, for some systems it may take a long time to determine this record count so you may choose to disable it.
RetryRowOnErrorAttempts0Number of retries to attempt after a row error.
RetryRowOnErrorAttemptWaitMS5000The number of milliseconds to wait between retry attempts.
RetryRowReconnectAfter0Attempt connection reconnect after x number of row failures.
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