Writing to a local CSV from the StarfishETL Cartographer
Even though more and more services are moving to cloud-based solutions, often times we still need to interface to on-premises software using CSV files. To do this using the StarfishETL iPaaS system, you'll need to set up a Starfish Ray. A Ray will allow the us to interact with the local computer where it is installed. Once you can configured the Ray and confirmed it is online, follow these steps to set up a job to write to a CSV file on the local machine.
- Create a new connection - use the Connection Type of "CSV via Upload", and ensure that you select your new Ray.

- Create a new job, your origin may be anything you want to write to the CSV file. For the Destination, select your new CSV connection.
- Create a new stage, in the Table enter the name of the CSV file that you want to be created. It is likely nothing will show up in the dropdown - you will have to manually type it in.
- If the file does not currently exist on the Ray machine, the Stage will initially show up with no fields to map to. To get around this limitation, you may manually enter the names of the columns you want to map to in the stage's User-Defined Field List box.

- Map your fields as you would for any normal job and run.

- By default, the file will get created in a new 'Files' folder inside you StarfishRay folder (C:\StarfishRay\Files). You can override this path by editing your CSV connection and entering an Additional Connection String Parameter of "URI=D:\data\csv" - edit the path as required.
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